Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Man Walks Into a Red Door - Doh!

It all started when we bought a house... wait, you know about that. Let me try again.

Well, it all started when we painted said house - again, we've covered that, haven't we? Hmm...

The house looked dumb with a white front door. There, that sets the tone I'm looking for. Our neighbors already have a great lime green front door, and the next logical choice was to go with a regal red.
 See the image to the right there? Imagine a white door there. Apparently I didn't take any house photos post-painting pre-door-painting. It figures.

Anyhow, I took down the doors. Roughed them up a little, taped up the parts that need to contrast, and hosed them in some rustic red something or other. It's perfect, and I haven't a clue what the color is.

This wasn't a bad way to spend a warm Saturday. The only problem that arose was running out of paint. Katie was out running errands, and here I was halfway finished and no doors on my house. 

A quick check with a neighbor who was outside, and off I went. Two cans of paint in hand, I fogged the rest of the front door, and then unloaded on the back door. The back went much smoother, as it was new - here I go again repeating stories you can go back to read.

Hanging the doors back up, that was a trick and a half. I got it done, but it isn't something I want to do on a weekly basis. Maybe once more, this decade.

No, wait. It's colonial red. Thank you Katie!

Now, we have a patriotic looking house. Take a moment, say the Pledge of Allegiance for me.

Side projects were also addressed: foundation was painted with extra grey from the porch. Additionally, that terrible wire along the outside of the house, that the Verizon guy thought I wanted making our house look like a dump, I moved that to the wall directly inside from the FiOS box. Verizon FiOS, if you are reading this, stop contracting out to morons who don't take even a slight interest in the quality of the installation. That or warn us before we pay for a full installation that the installer will do a terrible job.

There, that looks better.

Lastly, I put a new set of blinds in the kitchen.

They're nice. It's a nice house. But OH BOY wait until I tell you about the gable vents! I'll bring this story about until another day. Tomorrow, perhaps, if I have time. maybe over Thanksgiving.

Hey, Happy Thanksgiving! Do something constructive to your own home this weekend!

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