Travel isn't helping the speed of projects here at DueselHouse. As school is wrapping up, we're getting back on track, and the paint is finally starting to fly. Memorial Day weekend was a wash for projects, but we celebrated an awesome marriage with Katie's friend Heather, and her new husband Dana, up on Longbeach Island, New Jersey. Beautiful place, wonderful couple. The following weekend Katie slung some paint inside the house with her sister and the realted family. Dogs had a field day in the yard, and the kitchen and livingroom were bathed in decidedly tolerable tones, compared to the bloodbath red and pinkish mystery color respectively.
No longer mystery meat pink in the livingroom |
Some warmth was added to the living room, by way of a chocolate brown. The room has a more intimate feel, and all the windows definitely bring the focus of the room to the now white painted (primed?) fireplace. Whoever thought painting bricks red and mortar white should probably be run out on a rail. The place definitely looks liveable now. The floor still leaves much to be desired, but that isn't far down the 2012 list. Ripping that up will happen after we move in, but before we have any furniture in the second bedroom (so we can put the couch somewhere for the time being).
The walls of the house have clearly been abused, and we will probably be going back to fill, smooth, and level the livingroom walls in due time, but just the basic sanding and painting already made the place look hospitable.
Special thanks to Nikki, Jude, Miles and Marcus, and mother Indrisano for all their help while I was out galavanting around the desert for a weekend. I'm also told that Anthony helped too - the porch furniture is nice and sturdy, thanks!
A less violent color in the kitchen |
In my absense, Katie also slung a coat of yellow in the kitchen. Do not think "Big Bird," rather
"wheatfields in October," to get an idea of the hue. It's amazing. What is even more amazing is that my brother-in-law Jude
completely banished the red from the Kitchen. That alone was no small feat, I'm told that the walls we prepped by plastering over the low spots and holes from the funky counter section, everything was sanded with 200 grit and then 150 grit sandpaper, primed twice, and then he painted - twice! All of this done by Jude, who hates painting! We are indebted to him, and will be more than happy to return the favor whenever needed. The room went from garrish to smooth and visually tolerable overnight.
The Frankster, basking in the sun |
When I got back, Katie had to head out again on business, so Frankie and I got started on our own paint projects. [note, Frankie enjoyed the sun, while I painted with Scott Merrill]. Painting the railingson the porch has been step one. The narrow spindels are the hardest to paint, because of the tight spaces and big hands of those weilding the brushes. Once we've gotten that done, the porch decking will get a good contrasting grey slapped down (two cotes?) and we will move on to the house trim. I cannot say I'm a big fan of painting, but I like the feeling you get when things clearly look better.
This step, combined with removing all the woody-weeds that have sprouted while the house was unoccupied is really making the property feel like our own. Katies mom brought us a couple ferns to compliment the hanging flowers, it's starting to be a home again. It's our home!
Between June 16th and 21st we have a live in contractor on the property. My dad is coming to get a bunch of projects knocked out with me - happy Fathers Day! I've still got to be at school on the 18th and 19th, but there are some major improvements underway. After he leaves, it's MOVING TIME! Keep checking back for updates!
Porch half painted (Thanks for helping Scott!)
(The lighting doesn't do it any justice... it's better, I swear.) |
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