Do not let our lack of writing fool you, we've been quite busy around Dueselhouse, from plumbing improvements, exterior polishing, and we even found a little time to paint this old pile of sticks. Not just the bathroom this time, the house!
See that green mess over there, that is about to be gone. you will see how gone in the picture directly below this statement. Seriously, scroll down a bit I'll wait... see, I wasn't kidding.

Pretty sweet, right? That's my house.
Some special thanks for all the help:
- Mom and Pop Duesel
- Carolyn of Graham Road El. and her husband Luke were in around 10am!
- Stacy joined the party and thought we were done, but we had only finished two sides at that point.
- Summer and Aura (my biggest helper!) showed up and Aura really got into the painting.
- John, of attic furniture fame, came and painted the southern facing eave with the precision of Rembrant. It looks magnificent!
Believe it or not, the house painting started around 8am, and we were magically finished before 5am. Not bad. I still maintain that the house could have been painted in an hour. 8 hours isn't shabby though!
More photos to come!
The next weekend I was out in Pennsylvania four wheeling with some people from the Off Camber Crawlers. The house was ready for some final touches. The door still needs painting, the foundation is still green, and a lot of photos still need to be uploaded to my folder.
But rest assured, the house got a fresh coat!
Thanks for the help, Aura!